
Items by: Stanborough Press

My Favorite Bible Texts Coloring Book

My Favorite Bible Texts Coloring Book

What is your favorite Bible text? Would you like to color it? My Favorite Bible Texts series of coloring books is designed to encourage your children to respond to God's Word. Based on a compilation of children's favorite Bible verses, each of the books in this series is beautifully and simply... [Show more]

  • Price:$3.99
We Believe -- Signs Special Edition

We Believe -- Signs Special Edition

The articles in this special edition of Signs provide a brief but balanced presentation of each of the 28 Adventist fundamental beliefs. Each one has the number and the title of its respective belief within the official statement of beliefs. Ideal for sharing with friends as well as using for... [Show more]

  • Price:$1.95
My Environment: Ways I look after my World

My Environment: Ways I look after my World

Can children care for the environment? They certainly can. Molly cares about the environment and the world around her. She uses eleven creative ways to look after the planet. These ways are easy for her to remember because all the eleven ways make up words that start with “R.” She calls... [Show more]

  • Price:$14.95
My Health: Eight Ways I Care for My Body

My Health: Eight Ways I Care for My Body

Featuring bright, colorful pictures which every child aged 3-9 will enjoy, this inspiring book is an excellent way of teaching children the important ways they can care for their bodies in order to be healthy. This book is part of a unique series of Stewardship books that teach children the... [Show more]

  • Price:$14.95
The Cabbage Storm

The Cabbage Storm

Meet Jack and Julia! They are twins who used to hate eating their vegetables, especially cabbages. Then one day, while eating lunch at school, Julia caused pieces of cabbage to fly everywhere…and that’s when their journey of health discovery started!  Join Jack and Julia as they... [Show more]

  • Price:$10.99
God's Champions

God's Champions

Raise your young ones to be champions for God by delighting them with some gripping tales from the Scriptures as they learn the life stories of twenty-four of God’s heroes throughout the Bible. Teach your children to have the tact of Abigail, the courage of Caleb, the willingness of Philip and... [Show more]

  • Price:$9.99
Heroes of the Bible Old Testament Coloring Book

Heroes of the Bible Old Testament Coloring Book

Color while you read! Bring your favorite Bible heroes to life in this great value coloring book. Each spread features an exciting story to read along with an accompanying picture to color in.

  • Price:$3.99
Heroes of the Bible Old Testament Card Game

Heroes of the Bible Old Testament Card Game

Compete with friends and family to be the first to complete the stories of your favorite Old Testament Bible heroes! Collect the four cards for each character – covering who they are, what they did, what role they played, and the result of their actions – to win the game. Characters... [Show more]

  • Price:$13.99
Heroes of the Bible New Testament Coloring Book

Heroes of the Bible New Testament Coloring Book

Color while you read! Bring your favorite Bible heroes to life in this great value coloring book. Each spread features an exciting story to read along with an accompanying picture to color in.

  • Price:$3.99
Heroes of the Bible New Testament Card Games

Heroes of the Bible New Testament Card Games

Compete with friends and family to be the first to complete the stories of your favorite New Testament Bible heroes! Collect the four cards for each character – covering who they are, what they did, what role they played, and the result of their actions – to win the game. Character... [Show more]

  • Price:$13.99
52 5-Minute Sermons for Kids from Nature

52 5-Minute Sermons for Kids from Nature

Gather your kids around you, and thrill them with some amazing truths that we can learn from the clues God has hidden in His creations! From the cute and ever-vigilant meerkats to Baviaan the unfortunate baboon and a greedy squirrel, we can learn the importance of teamwork and sharing; the salmon... [Show more]

  • Price:$15.99
52 5-Minute Sermons for Kids

52 5-Minute Sermons for Kids

You want your children to learn and remember biblical truths they can apply throughout their lives—but you are short of time? You’ll find this book helpful, as it’s packed with simple yet memorable object lessons that you can show your children at home or at church, reinforcing... [Show more]

  • Price:$14.95
We Believe

We Believe

This handy guide provides a thorough, in-depth study of Seventh-day Adventist beliefs, using questions and answers, true-or-false questionnaires, simple illustrations and stories to help every member understand the main points of our faith. Whatever the stage of your spiritual journey, no matter... [Show more]

  • Price:$14.95
New Horizons in Sabbath School Teaching

New Horizons in Sabbath School Teaching

Undoubtedly, Jesus was the greatest teacher of all time. No wonder Ellen White wrote, “What a blessing it would be if all would teach as Jesus taught! He did not aim to attract attention by eloquence or by overwhelming grandeur of sentiment. On the contrary, His language was plain, and His... [Show more]

  • Price:$6.99
Ben's Sunflower/Wendy's Big Worry Knot

Ben's Sunflower/Wendy's Big Worry Knot

This kids' book with colorful illustrations has two stories. Ben's Sunflower is about forgiveness and Wendy's Big Worry-knot is about overcoming fear and worry. Paperback. Copyright 2018. 84 pages.

  • Price:$9.99
The Explorer Bible

The Explorer Bible

The Explorer Bible is an exciting new way to read the Bible and learn about Jesus. Read about Noah, who built a boat in a desert land; Joseph, whose big brothers sold him into slavery; Moses, who led an escape party to a foreign country; and more. With stories, prayers, puzzles and activities, this... [Show more]

  • Price:$10.95

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