
Leadership in the Last Days

Leadership in the Last Days

Product #420471

  • Price:$14.95
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Leadership in the Last Days: Twelve Essential Skills for Adventist Leaders is an indispensable guide for navigating our turbulent times with wisdom, courage, and faith. Written by experienced Adventist leaders, this book provides the spiritual depth and practical guidance you need to lead with excellence. Whether you are an Adventist pastor, educator, administrator, or lay leader committed to leading with purpose, these twelve skills will equip you to make a lasting impact in the last days.

Gain Strategic Insight: Learn to develop your four intelligences—Spiritual, Emotional, Physical, and Experiential—to become an intentional end-time leader.

Build Christlike Character: Discover practical steps to develop integrity, humility, and resilience as a leader.

Navigate Crises with Confidence: Learn proven strategies to lead during crises while keeping faith and mission at the forefront.

Unleash Creative Synergy: Master the art of team collaboration to advance the gospel’s spread.

Leadership for the Last Days is more than a book—it is a call to action for empowered leaders committed to making a difference in these end times.


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