
Pentecost Church Planner

Pentecost Church Planner

Product #419587

  • Price:$5.00
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The top priority of every church is to establish “an active, ongoing discipleship plan” that includes both spiritual nurture and outreach ministries. Pentecost 2025 is more than an invitation to participate in a one-time event. It is the launch of an active and ongoing disciple-making plan that aims to involve every member. Because Jesus likened making disciples to the harvest cycle, Pentecost 2025 emphasizes five essential ministries that align with the agricultural disciple-making process (prepare, plant, cultivate, harvest, preserve).

The first step in your planning should be to review the basic strategy in this booklet: (1) getting started with spiritual revival, an interest review process, and personal evangelism training, and (2) establishing ministries and events in each of the five essential areas of disciple-making. Next, use the blank worksheet in the back of this booklet to outline a disciple-making evangelism plan for your church.

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