Variation: Baptismal Pin (#002134) $1.95
This baptismal pin (.5") is a small black shield with the Seventh-day Adventist Church logo in the center. It can be given to Adventurers, Pathfinders, and adults when they are baptized.
Adventist Logo Tie Tack/Lapel Pin
Certificate of Baptism and Profession of Faith - PDF Download
Deacon Lapel Pin
Deaconess Lapel Pin
Elder Lapel Pin
Pastor Lapel Pin
Pathfinder Triangle Pin
Pathfinder Honor Sash
Pathfinder/Adventurer Web Belt
Pathfinder Embroidered Slide (Black)
Pathfinder World Patch
Pathfinder Triangle Patch
Pathfinder Uniform Beret
Pathfinder Scarf (Child size)
Pathfinder Women's Tuxedo Tie
Pathfinder Boys' Short Sleeve Shirt