
A.T. Jones

A.T. Jones

Product #001273

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Charismatic, forceful, handsome, and tending to extremes, A. T. Jones was a leading figure in the Adventist Church during the 1890s. Yet by the early twentieth century he would turn against the church he loved and became one of its most ardent foes.

Embroiled in controversy nearly his entire ministry, Jones was one of the most fascinating personalities ever to grace a Seventh-day Adventist pulpit. He was at the center of action during one of the most formative and controversial periods of denominational history. Woven throughout his story are such issues as the 1888 General Conference session, the nature of sanctification, church-and-state relationships, and his love-hate relationship with Ellen G. White.

This brilliantly researched biography reveals a man so powerful and charismatic that his fall seems incomprehensible yet somehow inevitable. Discover the contributions Jones made to Adventism–and what led him eventually to fight the faith he spent so much of his life building up.

Hardcover. Copyright 2011. 292 pages.

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