
Contagious Adventist Video Presentations

Contagious Adventist Video Presentations

Product #417800

  • Price:$69.95
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This nine-session seminar was designed to introduce Seventh-day Adventist church members to the art of being contagious Adventists. Participants will learn how to convert routine, everyday experiences into spiritual conversations that will attract others in winsome and friendly ways and create in them a desire to learn more about the message and mission of Jesus as they study the Bible.

These DVDs feature Dwight Nelson, Esther R. Knott, and Bryan Von Dorpowski.

Session 1- Recognizing & Creating Faith Sharing Moments (95 min)

Session 2- Jesus is Lord (70 min)

Session 3- The Great Controversy (55 min)

Session 4- The Sabbath (57 min)

Session 5- Death & Beyond (66 min)

Session 6- The Second Coming (64 min)

Session 7- Health (68 min)

Session 8- The Sanctuary (48 min)

Session 9- The Seventh Day Adventist Movement (63 min)

Copyright 2013.

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