
Financial Pitfalls in Blended Families

Financial Pitfalls in Blended Families

Product #319051

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Financial Pitfalls in Blended Families is a short 36-page booklet that should be read by people who, after a divorce or after the death of a spouse, are wanting to remarry. This book will delve into some of the financial pitfalls to building a new home with a blended family.

This booklet will be a good tool for a couple contemplating remarriage to read before they say “I do” so they can avoid certain problems that can arise when two families come together; and will make sure that you and your new spouse, with God’s help, begin your new adventure in a good financial footing when remarriage happens. Blending families takes time, and each family will need to determine what works best for them to avoid these financial pitfalls along their journey. Like all families, the actions taken today will need to evolve to meet the ever-changing needs of the individuals in the family. This booklet will cover some basic principles that should help individuals uncover and overcome the unique challenges of merging two families into one.

This book will be very useful for pastors and marriage counselors who advise people who are rebuilding their marriages.

Paperback booklet. Copyright 2023.30 pages.

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