The Ultimate Passover DVD is a 45-minute docu-drama featuring professional actors and speakers. The program switches between three dramatized Passover seders, the first Passover in Egypt, Jesus’ last supper, and a modern Passover in a modern Jewish home. It contains some emotional scenes at Pharaoh’s court with Moses and in the bedroom of Pharaoh’s son as the tenth plague occurs. Interspersed within these Passover scenes are commentaries by Jeff Zaremsky and Steve Wohlberg on location in Egypt and Jerusalem at the Western Wall, the Mount of Olives, and in the upper room.
This DVD contains a printable booklet so families or churches can hold their own Passover or communion services. It also contains Passover music by professional recording artist Billy Whitman that would enhance any Passover or communion service. This DVD also features extras including Passover jokes and a PDF of the Jewish Heritage Scripture Study book.