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Women's Ministries Leader

Ministry Description

Beginner Sabbath School Quick Start Guide

Beginner Sabbath School Quick Start Guide

Learn more about beginner sabbath school ministries

Restore a Child

Restore a Child

NEW Name...SAME Mission

Personal / Prison / Disabilities Ministries Catalog

Personal / Prison / Disabilities Ministries Catalog

Resources for personal, prison, and disabilities ministries including seminars, manuals, BIble studies, and more.

Prayer Ministries Quick Start Guide

Prayer Ministries Quick Start Guide

Learn more about prayer ministries

Family / Men's / Single Adult Ministries Catalog

Family / Men's / Single Adult Ministries Catalog

If you are the family ministries leader for your church, check out this catalog to find resources for family, men's, and single adult ministries.

Campus Ministries (CM) Spiritual Life

Campus Ministries is located in the Andrews University Student Center on the campus of Andrews University, Berrien Springs, Michigan.


Phone: 269.471.8380

The Gospel According to Creation Books

The Gospel According to Creation Books

Peace4youth Campus Ministries

Campus-based youth ministry website for students to network and share what they are doing at school. Exchange ideas and learn how to start a peace4youth christian club at your school.


Phone: 209.712.2741

  • 5120 Prescott Ave
  • Lincoln NE 68506
  • United States