
Search Results

Adventists in the Arctic

A mission report of the growth of the Adventist church in Barrow, Alaska.

Inspiring Worship in Duluth

Pastor Sherman McCormick describes how his church used the Natural Church Development survey to discover their areas of weakness.

Build It and They Will Come

The story of a small town church in the Northwest Argentine Mission that went from 3 members to 116 in a short period of time.

5K Walk

New Hope Church demonstrates how they reach out to their community by hosting a 5K walk that supports the underprivileged in Laurel, Maryland.

A New Country

Seventh-day Adventist Church members describe their immigration experiences and how different America was from their home country.

Inspiring Worship with Joe Strock

Pastor Joe Strock shares from his experience and convictions about leading worship in a contemporary church setting.

Ministry Software Preview

In this video, Pastor Mic Thurber describes the database software that he's written for the purpose of keeping track of all the members at your church.

Staying the Course with John Jansen

Pastor John Jenson describes the calling he has had to stay at his church for a long period of time.

Growing Every Day

Pastor Bill McClendon describes how their church, through its establishment around evangelism, grows every single day.

Double Decker Bus

The Central Coast Church of Australia acquires a double decker bus for use in their teen ministry.

  • 5120 Prescott Ave
  • Lincoln NE 68506
  • United States