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Mountain of Miracles VBS Kit | Spanish

Mountain of Miracles VBS Kit | Spanish

Available Now for Advance Purchase At this Vacation Bible School kids will explore Mountain of Miracles, a place where God's love is rock solid! They’ll love learning more about Jesus through Bible stories from the story of Elijah. Five days of Christ-centered activities will help kids see... [Show more]

  • Price:$129.95
Mountain of Miracles VBS Kit

Mountain of Miracles VBS Kit

Available Now for Advance Purchase At this Vacation Bible School kids will explore Mountain of Miracles, a place where God's love is rock solid! They’ll love learning more about Jesus through Bible stories from the story of Elijah. Five days of Christ-centered activities will help kids... [Show more]

  • Price:$129.95
Living with Jesus

Living with Jesus

For far too long Christianity has been seen as a set of beliefs and/or a lifestyle seeking to know and do what is right. We have focused on trying to change people when it is God alone who can change people. We are not even capable of changing ourselves much less others. The goal of the Christian... [Show more]

  • Price:$9.95
Improving Your Mental Health | Spanish

Improving Your Mental Health | Spanish

Toda nuestra vida involucra relaciones interpersonales. La calidad de estas relaciones impacta directamente nuestra salud mental, física y espiritual. Ellas pueden extender nuestra esperanza de vida, facilitando una salud física mejorada y un sistema inmune resiliente. Lo opuesto... [Show more]

  • Price:$12.95
Little Jesus Did You Know

Little Jesus Did You Know

This storybook shows how little Jesus spent his time growing up. Paperback. Copyright 2024. 19 pages. For kindergarten-age children.

  • Price:$6.95
The Pathfinder Club Game

The Pathfinder Club Game

It’s your first year of Pathfinders. You and your friends have been looking forward to joining for a long time. This weekend your club is going on its first campout of the year. You cannot wait to see what adventures are waiting for you and your old and new friends. In this game, you will be... [Show more]

  • Price:$19.95


This patch is given upon completion of the LEGO requirements.



This patch is given upon completion of the Chicken requirements.



This patch is given upon completion of the Candles requirements.

The Next Chapter of Adventism

The Next Chapter of Adventism

We live in an age of constant and increasingly rapid change - and our church is changing too. What impact will emerging technologies and developing societal trends have on the way we study, worship and live out our faith? What impact will the changes we see have on the Seventh-day Adventist Church?... [Show more]

  • Price:$15.95
Baptism | Spanish

Baptism | Spanish

Durante años hemos sido la iglesia del mensaje. En nuestra evangelización hemos destacado la proclamación de nuestra fe en el mundo, pero, ¿será posible que hayamos perdido el arte de mostrarle al mundo cómo se manifiesta nuestra fe? Y si es así,... [Show more]

  • Price:$19.95
2024 Countries T-Shirt  Brown

2024 Countries T-Shirt Brown

This shirt lists all 96 countries represented at the Believe the Promise camporee.

  • Price:$10.00
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The Miracle Baby: Bible Time Adventures

The Miracle Baby: Bible Time Adventures

Miriam and her two friends, Annie and Farah, are young Hebrew girls living in Egypt. Even though their families are slaves, Miriam is excited when she finds out she will soon have a baby brother. Their joy turns to fear when they hear about the Pharaoh's new plan that would put her baby brother in... [Show more]

  • Price:$12.95
God For Us Relational Bible Studies

God For Us Relational Bible Studies

These studies take one chapter of Scripture at a time. Submitting ourselves to the active Holy Spirit, participants take turns reading one chapter aloud and then responding to a variety of Scripture prompts with more than one possible answer. Instead of pinpointing a single “right”... [Show more]

  • Price:$19.95
God In Us Relational Bible Studies

God In Us Relational Bible Studies

Relational Bible Studies depend on the Holy Spirit to be present and active as participants read a passage of Scripture. The Holy Spirit who inspired the Bible writers years ago must be present for us to receive the message the same Holy Spirit has for us today. Instead of a leader... [Show more]

  • Price:$24.95
God With Us Relational Bible Studies

God With Us Relational Bible Studies

The New Testament begins with the arrival of Immanuel—God with us! During Christ’s ministry on earth, he met with all types of people in all kinds of settings from all walks of life. But his largest investment could be found in his small group of 12 disciples. These Relational... [Show more]

  • Price:$29.95

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  • Lincoln NE 68506
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