
Items by:

Kansas / Nebraska Conf Patch

Kansas / Nebraska Conf Patch

Pathfinder and Adventurer patch for the Kansas-Nebraska Conference.

  • Price:$3.00
ACF Graduation Cord

ACF Graduation Cord

This graduation cord is for students who are members of an Adventist Christian Fellowship group.

Bible Study Methods for Kids

Bible Study Methods for Kids

  Jesus compared His Word to a “…Treasure hidden a field…” (Matthew 13:44). Is the Bible a treasure for your children? Do they love the stories and spending time reading the Bible? The 20 different methods included in this book will help your child get more out of... [Show more]

  • Price:$9.95
Salty Stickers

Salty Stickers

Shake out this sticker! Savor the style.

  • Price:$0.50
Leading from the Wall Participants Guide

Leading from the Wall Participants Guide

What are the defining qualities of a spiritual leader? For many, leadership is about power and influence. Few leaders are willing to be used by God and do not hesitate to use others. We are starved for what Cheryl Patton in What Made Nehemiah an Effective Leader describes as transformational... [Show more]

  • Price:$3.95
Leading from the Wall Leaders Guide

Leading from the Wall Leaders Guide

What are the defining qualities of a spiritual leader? For many, leadership is about power and influence. Few leaders are willing to be used by God and do not hesitate to use others. We are starved for what Cheryl Patton in What Made Nehemiah an Effective Leader describes... [Show more]

  • Price:$5.95
Jesus' Dream Team

Jesus' Dream Team

Teamwork is a concept that has existed since ancient times. Jesus provided the best example for establishing an organized urban evangelistic model that shared a relevant yet unpopular message in extremely hostile conditions. Despite facing opposition to the gospel message, Jesus demonstrated the... [Show more]

  • Price:$9.95
Reviving Vanishing Virtues

Reviving Vanishing Virtues

As the title of this book implies, there has been a steady and precipitous decline of our cherished virtues and moral standards in society. Hence, there is an urgent need to revive and revitalize them in our lives, families, churches, schools, and society as a whole. The author endeavors to find... [Show more]

  • Price:$18.95
Mindset Reset

Mindset Reset

In this ground-breaking book, Pastor and Life Coach Natasha introduces you to the transformative world of Mpowered Me, a program designed to help you develop a positive and powerful mindset, becoming the best version of yourself. With sensitivity and wisdom, Natasha acknowledges the challenges many... [Show more]

  • Price:$14.95
Journal of Adventist Youth and Young Adult Ministries 2024 - PDF Download

Journal of Adventist Youth and Young Adult Ministries 2024 - PDF Download

 The Journal of Adventist Youth and Young Adult Ministries is an annual publication of the Youth Ministries Department of the North American Division of the Seventh-day Adventist Church and is released each year in conjunction with the 180 Symposium. It is authored by various experts in the... [Show more]

  • Price:Free
The Pastor's Coach

The Pastor's Coach

The Pastor’s Coach comes from Pastor Ron Aguilera’s popular podcast for pastors and church leaders. It focuses on the personal and ministry life of pastors, and addresses the challenges a pastor faces as they lead and minister on a daily basis. About the Author: Ron Aguilera currently... [Show more]

  • Price:$6.95


These lessons seek to show that loving God is the most important thing in life. The Fun-da-mentals Bible study lessons cover 16 topics that are the basis of building a relationship with God. Lessons start with The Great Controversy and include Creation, Adam and Eve’s Choice, the Plan of... [Show more]

  • Price:$5.95
Tell Me

Tell Me

Tell Me explores the magnificent handiwork of the Creator of our universe! Its young readers will learn that EVERYTHING around them, visible and invisible, is made by an exciting and loving God – including them! Paperback. 34 pages. Copyright 2020.

  • Price:$12.95
Clicks to Digital Evangelism

Clicks to Digital Evangelism

  Welcome to a pivotal chapter in the unfolding story of digital evangelism. As we navigate the digital age, our steadfast mission is to spread the three angels’ message worldwide. While the Bible’s message of truth remains unchanged, our delivery methods must evolve with current... [Show more]

  • Price:$12.95
Journal of Adventist Youth and Young Adult Ministries 2024: The Next Big Thing

Journal of Adventist Youth and Young Adult Ministries 2024: The Next Big Thing

The Journal of Adventist Youth and Young Adult Ministries is an annual publication of the Youth Ministries Department of the North American Division of the Seventh-day Adventist Church and is released each year in conjunction with the 180 Symposium. It is authored by various experts in the field and... [Show more]

  • Price:$6.95
What Shall I Dream About?

What Shall I Dream About?

A young boy, ready for bed, asks his mother what he should dream about. Each suggestion she gives will spark every child’s imagination and help each little sleepyhead drift off to a peaceful night’s sleep. Hardcover. 52 pages. Copyright 2009.

  • Price:$10.95

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  • Lincoln NE 68506
  • United States