
Items by: Church Support Services - Pacific Union Conference

For The Love Of God

For The Love Of God

This book highlights the need to move beyond a superficial religious experience to one that is Jesus centered, mind-altering, and people focused. With the incarnation of his Son, God started a revolution that is supposed to make us more considerate, compassionate, and kind—even with our... [Show more]

  • Price:$9.95
Does Your Church Love People? Flyer

Does Your Church Love People? Flyer

When it comes to hate, what should we do? If you are serious about creating a culture of love in your church, share this flyer to spread the word about this collection of books that focuses on helping churches disarm hate with love.

  • Price:Free
The Eleventh Commandment PDF Download

The Eleventh Commandment PDF Download

This book is about the Golden Rule—which Jesus modeled throughout His ministry. We will never succeed in our attempts to be God-like until our hearts are overwhelmed by a sense of His fullness! Heart transformation is the only thing that can save us from ourselves. To put ourselves in another... [Show more]

  • Price:Free
The Eleventh Commandment

The Eleventh Commandment

This book is about the Golden Rule—which Jesus modeled throughout His ministry. We will never succeed in our attempts to be God-like until our hearts are overwhelmed by a sense of His fullness! Heart transformation is the only thing that can save us from ourselves. To put ourselves in another... [Show more]

  • Price:$6.95
When Religion Fails Try Love

When Religion Fails Try Love

Have you noticed in the last few years that we humans have lost our ability to dialogue with each other in ways that are civil, compassionate and kind? No one wants to be wrong, so in every discussion we try to have the last word. This is especially true with politics and religion! We want to be... [Show more]

  • Price:$2.95
When Kindness Comes to Church

When Kindness Comes to Church

Life can get ugly in the streets, in the marketplace, and even in our homes. Without the oil of kindness and civility to keep relationships in tune, things can quickly get out of wack. People call each other names, racial slurs are exchanged, and before we know it everyone is at each other's throat.... [Show more]

  • Price:$2.95
Church Love: Where Hate Goes to Die

Church Love: Where Hate Goes to Die

Why would anyone want to go to a church? Because it is the intersection where grace and human need collide! It is ground zero for new beginnings and healing! To many today, churches scare people away. Rather than being places that nurture hope, they have become clubs or clicks for socialization. In... [Show more]

  • Price:$2.95
When Kindness Comes to Church PDF Download

When Kindness Comes to Church PDF Download

Life can get ugly in the streets, in the marketplace, and even in our homes. Without the oil of kindness and civility to keep relationships in tune, things can quickly get out of wack. People call each other names, racial slurs are exchanged, and before we know it everyone is at each other's throat.... [Show more]

  • Price:Free
When Religion Fails Try Love PDF Download

When Religion Fails Try Love PDF Download

Have you noticed in the last few years that we humans have lost our ability to dialogue with each other in ways that are civil, compassionate and kind? No one wants to be wrong, so in every discussion we try to have the last word. This is especially true with politics and religion! We want to be... [Show more]

  • Price:Free
Church Love PDF Download

Church Love PDF Download

Why would anyone want to go to a church? Because it is the intersection where grace and human need collide! It is ground zero for new beginnings and healing! To many today, churches scare people away. Rather than being places that nurture hope, they have become clubs or clicks for socialization. In... [Show more]

  • Price:Free

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