
Items by: karen Spruill

For The Love Of God

For The Love Of God

This book highlights the need to move beyond a superficial religious experience to one that is Jesus centered, mind-altering, and people focused. With the incarnation of his Son, God started a revolution that is supposed to make us more considerate, compassionate, and kind—even with our... [Show more]

  • Price:$9.95
The Eleventh Commandment PDF Download

The Eleventh Commandment PDF Download

This book is about the Golden Rule—which Jesus modeled throughout His ministry. We will never succeed in our attempts to be God-like until our hearts are overwhelmed by a sense of His fullness! Heart transformation is the only thing that can save us from ourselves. To put ourselves in another... [Show more]

  • Price:Free
The Eleventh Commandment

The Eleventh Commandment

This book is about the Golden Rule—which Jesus modeled throughout His ministry. We will never succeed in our attempts to be God-like until our hearts are overwhelmed by a sense of His fullness! Heart transformation is the only thing that can save us from ourselves. To put ourselves in another... [Show more]

  • Price:$6.95

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