Sort by: Newest to oldest Oldest to newest Title, A to Z Title, Z to A All Ministries Adult Sabbath School Adult Sabbath School Facilitator/Teacher Adult Sabbath School Secretary Adult Sabbath School Superintendent Adventist Community Services Adventist Missions Coordinator Adventurer Club Adventurer Club (Youth) Audio-Visual Ministries Bible School Coordinator Bible Worker Building Committee Camp Ministries Child Evangelism Child Nursery Children’s Church Children’s Ministries Children’s Sabbath School Beginner Children’s Sabbath School Earliteen Children’s Sabbath School Junior Children’s Sabbath School Kindergarten Children’s Sabbath School Primary Choir Director Church Board Church Clerk Church Secretary Church Treasurer Communication Deacon / Deaconess Deaf Ministries Disabilities Ministries Disaster Response Discipleship Education Education Secretary Elder Evangelism Evangelism Coordinator Family Ministries Finance Committee Greeter Health Ministries Home and School Hope for Humanity / Ingathering Hospitality Interest Coordinator Investment Leader Librarian Literature Coordinator Media Ministries Men’s Ministries Ministry Placement / Nominating Committee Music Music Ministry Outreach Coordinator Pastor Pathfinder Club Personal Ministries Planning Committee Prayer Ministries Prison Ministries Public Campus Ministry Reconnecting Ministries Religious Liberty Risk Management Sabbath School Council School Board Senior Ministries Single Adult Ministries Small Groups Social Committee Stewardship Tutoring and Mentoring Usher Vacation Bible School Visitation Ministry Web/Internet Ministries Women’s Ministries Worship Young Adult Ministries Youth Ministries
Highlighted are the roles and responsibilities of deacons and deaconesses within the Adventist Church.
Highlighted are the responsibilities involved with taking on the role of Men's Ministry Coordinator within the Adventist Church.
Tips on Giving Bible Studies.
Jeffery Cobb lives, eats and worships with former felons at Shelter in the Storm, the transition house he has run since 2001.
You’ve been head elder for thirteen years or you’ve taught Junior Sabbath School forever. You’ve been faithful, but you can’t tell it’s made much difference. Maybe...
Practical advice from youth ministry professionals on how to support youth members experiencing divorce in their family.
Practical advice from youth ministry professionals on diversity within the church community.
Practical advice from youth ministry professionals on how to encourage active discussion in Sabbath school and youth group meetings.
Christian Record Services, Inc. distributes the Discover course lessons to people who are legally blind or have physical impairments that prevent the ability to hold a book. The course, in 30 lessons,...
Is your church accessible to people with disabilities? Learn how you can help.
Seventh-day Adventist schools provide opportunities for students to receive a quality education, while learning what it means to follow Jesus Christ.
The most inexpensive way to establish a counseling ministry is to invite mental health professionals to utilize your church for various specialized classes and follow-up groups.
Practical advice from youth ministry professionals on how to support those struggling with depression in the church and community.
The dedication of a church building to the worship of God is a special occasion and demands careful preparation and wise planning. It is the ceremony whereby the edifice is solemnly set apart for the...
Practical advice from youth ministry professionals on how to navigate conversations about death with the church's youth members.
Canadian Deaf Ministries and Gospel Outreach have joined hands to reach out to the Deaf around the world.
Practical advice from youth ministry professionals on how to run a successful day camp.
Practical advice from youth ministry professionals on navigating dating relationships.
Practical advice from youth ministry professionals on implementing dance in the church environment.
Practical advice from youth ministry professionals on creating and maintaining curriculum for youth.